Sunday, June 28, 2009

Peddy Update

Well...sick times are still present in the Peddy household. We cannot shake the sickies here and I am at a lost as to why they keep coming up each and every week. I can't remember the last time we have been healthy for at least one week.

The entire month of June the kids have been sick. There hasn't been one week in June where all the children at once have been well. I am exhausted, out of money, lonely and bored because of the constant doctor visits and the lack of social outings we have been had because everyone is always sick.

This weekend was a total wash. Spencer woke up early Friday morning with a 104 degree fever and was sick all Friday and Saturday with fevers up to 104.6 degrees!! Amazing. His behavior was 100% percent normal today, except when he went to bed his temp was 99.8...I just assumed he was better and let him play with McKenna all day and now I am worried I might have gotten McKenan reainfected....its never ending :(

Clayton was very sick all weekend as well. He has had a fever above 100 all weekend long and is still sick. Mason has been even sicker with fevers well above 102. Poor little guy we are hoping gets better starting Monday since they don't seem to stay sick very long with this lateset round of illness.

Today Mason waved at us for the very first time. I was hoping to get video of him doing it. He was too adorable. He would only wave to Clayton and had a smile on his face the whole time. Although he had a temp of 101, he still was so very proud of himself.

The bbq island is coming along very well. Clayton lost a whole weekend this weekend for being sick and we just hope it doesn't put us too far behind since Mason's 1st bday party is only 3 weeks away which puts us at only 2 weeks to finish the tile, stucco and put the actual bbq in..please pray for us. I have confidence in Clayton but worried so much about the daytime heat delaying us.

McKenna is still in her cast. She should be getting it off this Friday which she couldn't be happier for. She hates that thing. She is so incredibly embarrased of it that she hides behind me constantly whenever someone asks her what happened. We have to explain to her that just because someone asks her what happened, they are NOT making fun of her.

Okay, must go take care of Clayton and his fever and cough. Got to get some rest since I haven't had in any in a very long time. The boys have been waking up all night long the last 2 nights and hoping tonight will be better for me.

Hope all is well and we will talk soon.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mason Finally Pulls himself up by himself!!

Okay so our little Mason, now 11 months old, has finally pulled himself up to standing in his Pack n yea for Mason !!

Here is a little blip of it.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Wow, just checked and realized my last post was May 5th. Well I failed the test of keeping this thing updated. Oh well!!

Well lets see, what has happened in a months time with the Peddys? Lets go through the month in an abridged fashion.

First and foremost, McKenna is now an official Kindergarten student at the Antioch Charter School for the 2009-2010 school year. Wippee. She starts her first day at Kindergarten on August 19th. Both mom and dad will be there to welcome her and to drop her off... then the parents get to have a welcome breakfast which I think will be rather cool.

Lets see both Mom and McKenna came down with Strep Throat in the month of May. Oh such fun times to be had by all. But because of my stealth mom techniques only McKenna and me got it. Yet sickless times were not yet to be had....

Sad news was I found out that I will not be able to participate in the 2009 Team in Training Walk in SF in October. The trainings would be held every Saturday starting next week at 930 and McKenna starts Tiaras and Tutus next week which I would like to view at least a few times as well as soccer come August. Combined with training and McKennas team and classes, it wasn't worth missing all their stuff, as we never get those days back. So quickly how she'll turn 6 and then after that is 16 and she'll hate me forever. :)

We started attending Barnes and Nobles storytime which are held on either Mondays or Wednesdays. McKenna loves them, Spencer dislikes them. Well.. you can't win. Spencer likes the crafts afterwards if it entails some sort of food, which amazingly enough, 2 of the crafts did!! They read all type of books directed towards 5 and under. McKenna as usually the oldest, as well as a couple of other 4 and 5 years olds, but she still loved it nonetheless. Then last week we went and they had a Kindergarten graduation of sorts. For those kids going on to Kindergarten the storyteller gave each child a certficate and a full on book! McKenna got a Backyardigans book which was awesome. The only caveat was when she learned to read, she could come back and read it to the storytime group. Which I thought was not a bad idea.

McKenna is still going strong with Tiny Tigers, however, her current session is coming to a close next week with pictures and so forth. She learned a lot of great things in this class. I think she honestly enjoys the structure and the discipline she receives. She gets a kick out of "YES MA'AM". A new session should be starting soon, however, they are conducting them out of their new facility over off Contra Loma here in Antioch which is now an even further drive for us in the middle of the commute hour which I am really not looking forward to. So we will see how that goes about.

Then our biggest excitement of all happened in May.... Eric, my brother, graduated from CSU Channel Islands with his Bachelors Degree!! We couldn't be more proud of the guy. He has worked so hard and put so many hours towards getting this degree, how could you not be the most proud of him. I had a smile on my face that entire day, especially seeing him walking up the aisle in his cap and gown. Mom would be so darn proud of Eric, I just wish she was sitting next to Dad and I while we watched him..

On a health note for me, I decided to join Weight Watchers for a few months to get me started down to my goal weight. Woo Hoo!! I have about 20 pounds to loose from all my baby making days and now, since baby making is done, (WOO HOO), its time to take care of me and loose the weight I have been so trying to loose. So far it has worked out terrifically! In two weeks I have lost 5 pounds, and I feel great. I fit in all my old clothes again and I am just getting smaller. I have 20 pounds to loose. What I love about Weight Watchers is that its not a diet. It really a way of life. It teaches you how to eat correctly and in the real world. I have no pre packaged foods, except maybe snacks, but everything I eat I make myself as usual, I just learn what the portions are for everything which is my number problem. Its great! So I will keep you updated on that part.

The kids and I went to visit Buchanan Field Airport a couple of weeks ago with friends and they had THE best time you can imagine. We got play and run around in a viewing area and watch planes take off and land all around us. It was so spectacular. The pilots would wave at us as they taxi to the runway. The kids just lapped it up.

Since then the kids have gotten very sick with colds and flus. McKenna amazingly enough has stayed healthy and we are so grateful, but the boys were not so lucky. Mason and Spencer have had to have breathing treatments with Albeuterol and are using QVAR to help open airways. But for the first time in a while Mason is starting to feel better. His fever has broke I think after taking antibioctics which is a relief. He was getting 103 fevers and not even IB would break em. So we are slowly on the mend and we'll hope that everyone gets better and stays better.

Well its off to Costco at the moment to pick up some staples, but keep checking back for some updates to the crazy Peddy Baby Farm...have a blessed day.