Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We're Backkkk....

Yes The Peddys have been off radar for a while but we are back, and hopefully, better!! We last left you with Miss McKenna becoming very sick without the faintest clue why. Well she had Strep Throat, much to the amazement of everyone. But sure enough, she got it. So after 5 days of antibiotics, she is better. yeah! The past few days was just catching up and getting her better so we can continue with our lives.

Over the weekend, Mason got to experience his first water play in the backyard and I think really liked it. He was playing in the water play pool and had fun! Pictures below.

But yesterday was a fun day. The entire family, including Clayton, (in theory he took off yesterday, yet was still working), to go to McKenna's Preschool field trip to Smith Family Farms in Brentwood. None of us had ever been other than Halloween Harvest time. We had been there 3 years ago when I was pregnant with Spencer and then the year before that and then after Spencer was born we started to go to Clayton Valley Pumpkin Farm which is just as great. So it was nice to see the farm during Spring time when the animals are in "full bloom" and babies are everywhere.

It was a tad warm but Mason was decked out in the double jogger, which by the way, was perfect for the semi rough roads we walked on. McKenna was so sweet because although her little friends were there, she kept her little brother with her and made sure he sat by her and didn't get left out of things. Sure enough Spencer had a blast with her. He loved being with big sister...

Lets see... what did we see? Well first we went into the barn and had a fun banjo playing time. The kids were part of a band and got to play with the instruments. Even Clayton got into the groove of the parents playing, even though he looked like he was being absolutely tortured doing it.

Then we headed over and spent some time visiting with baby animals. The kids held and petted a baby rabbit (very cute), and a baby bird of some kind. I missed the name. Both kids actually set them on their lap and petted them which I was happy for. :)

Then we went over to the bee and worm section and the kids got to see a bee hive and actually got to dig for worms, which was the best of all. McKenna found 5 right off the bat which wasn't good since everyone else had trouble finding one. Spencer looked hard but could not find those pesky worms.

Then Spencer's most favorite favorite favorite part of the day he says...... the tractor ride. Of course.. because someone gets to drive the tractor with a steering wheel. So he really enjoyed that ride and it was actually a pretty long ride. The entire length of the drive way and back and around to the general store. About 15 minute ride maybe longer. And we learned about a new type of fruit they were creating, a cross between a plum and an apricot.... a Aprium... gotta try it now because I am curious.

Then we ended the day with plant planting at the general store. Each child got to plant two plants, a bell pepper plant and a tomato plant. Even Clayton and I received a plant which was cool. Now I have to plant all 8 plants.... sigh...

Clayton got to end his day by visiting and seeing McKenna in action at her Tiny Tigers class yesterday which made her day. Oh boy how did she love having daddy watching her. She did really well even. Then we all stopped for $2 Smoothie Tuesdays at Smoothie King and indulged :)

Overall, that day was pretty nice. Clayton got to spend some much needed time with the kids and we got some much needed time with daddy. We couldn't have been more grateful.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sickly kiddo

Well today of all days, the sun is out, the weather is gorgeous and what happens? Our very own daughter gets sick! Poor little girl. Last night after dinner she looked a bit off. She said she had a headache and her throat hurt a bit. Then she said her tummy was achy. So she rested and eventually went to bed, still complaining about above symptoms.

Then she woke up this morning and was almost in tears saying she still didn't feel well. Her tummy was still achy and she just didn't feel well. Then I felt her head. SHE WAS BURNING UP! Took her temp and it was 102 degrees. Oh boy, here we go. Let's try not to get any siblings sick because that would suck.

So we gave her a dose of IB and rested. She wanted to eat breakfast which I thought was odd, but who I am I to judge. So she had a small bowl of Cheerios and rested again watching Barbie movies. I took her temp around 930-10 am and the fever had broken. Woo Hoo!! 97 degrees. Excellent.

She was playing more, talking more, wanted to go outside and so forth. Then 11 am came. She started crying more and saying her tummy was achy again and she didn't feel well. So I checked her temperature at noon and sure enough her fever had come back, 100 degrees. No IB until 1 so we waited and she rested and watched movies. But she did eat a little container of Gerber ravioli's for lunch which is wanted.

Then 1pm came, took her temp and the fever was back up but to 102.5!! Gave her IB and now she is resting.. not sure what is the matter. But she is drinking water and resting. So lets hope she gets better. She won't be going to school tomorrow because unlike most parents, I like to have 24 hours once the fever subsides before taking her to school or around other kids.

McKenna is calling me, hopefully the IB is working... oy vey I hate sick kids. Especially when McKenna gets sick. She never gets sick and when she does its horrendous.

Until next time.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Kids Saved the World

Well they did... sort of. The kiddos headed out today with their buds to the Stockton Children Museum. They had a blast! This is such a great museum for little ones. They have a full size fire engine, a real life Stockton Police Car and Motorcycle, an AMR Ambulance, a helicopter and a City Bus. All so the kids, can drive in them like real heroes. What was great was they had the corresponding uniforms for each. So Spencer wore Police uniforms, Dr scrubs for the hospital the AMR ambulance was backed up to, and Firefighter coats, boots and helmets. It was a great! There was a grocery store where the kids could do their essentials shopping and they even had a steak packaging machine where Spencer spent 10 minutes just packing up his steak.

They had face painting, a shoe store where the kids could try on tons of real shoes, water play, a shadow maker, and a TV news room. Now Spencer's favorite, aside from all the awesome cars and trucks he got to ride in was they had a Caterpillar Tractor and a John Deere lawn mower! HE WAS IN HEAVEN.....

So we did that for a couple of hours and the kids came home and I had quite time :)

On another note, McKenna had her Tiny Tigers class again today and she earned her 1st Gold Star for reciting her Tiny Tiger Creed. She even volunteered to recite it first. Very proud. The clip is down below.

On the Potty Training front, Spencer actually went to Tiny Tigers today with underwear on. A feat never attempted before in the history of Spencer Peddy. I was sick of changing 3 year old boy poop and I said no more!! So he had underwear on at quiet time and then through Tiny Tigers. I don't know if it was a fluke but no accidents. He stayed in the underwear until 6pm tonight until he proceeded to run around the house naked and watch Wow Wow Wubzy the same way. But I have to give it to him... no accidents. wheww... so we will try tomorrow again.
Now... I must go and have husband time and catch up on some our DVR shows. Ta Ta until next time and hope everyone has a blessed day. Here is a pic of the kids leaving the Stockton Children Museum...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Day 2009 #2

Well today was such a wonderful day!! The weather was gorgeous, grandma and grandpa Peddy had a great backyard for the kids to run around and play catch and soccer around, and the egg hunt went off without a hitch. McKenna and Spencer even hid Mason's easter eggs for his first Easter Egg hunt. They did such a great job, they hid the eggs all over the yard and Clayton, as with Spencer and McKenna on their first Easters carried Mason around to each egg for him to get. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but he did know they were yummy to eat.

The food was spectacular, as usual. We had yummy sliced meat, lasagna, a delicious salad with pears and blue cheese and cheesecake with strawberry topping for dessert. Mason loved chowing down on the dinner rolls I kept stuffing down his gullet.

The best news of all came when Alison and Kris announced they are GOING TO HAVE ANOTHER BABY!! We couldn't be happier. I have been waiting for this day for so long. I am secretly hoping she has a girl :) tee hee. McKenna would her cousin no matter what gender, but I know she has a special place in her heart for a sister, so a girl cousin would be even better. Congrats to Alison, Kris and little 3 year old Aidan.

We got some great shots of the family today that we wanted to share with you. They came out really great of the kids. Such a beautiful day contributed to the great shots.

And one last thing. We were overjoyed today to hear that Captain Phillips was released from the Somali pirates who holding him hostage. We believe he was very close to losing his life and was happy when Obama finally decided to get up and approve something before he lost his life. Thank goodness he is safe and sound.

Anyways, thats about it for today. The Peddy's are tired and getting the kids to settle down and get them to bed by 7. But we wanted to leave you with pictures of today's events and wishin all those far away were near us today. God Bless.

Happy Easter

Before we head off to Easter festivities with our family, The Peddy's wanted to extend a Happy Easter to everyone. Make it a special day and remember to talk to your kids about why Easter is special. What this day really means. Contrary to kids popular belief this is not the Easter Bunny's Day, the candy day or the gifts day. Remind them of the true reason for Easter. Love to all and be safe.

Will be posting a few pics and video from the days events. Have a great day all!

Love the Peddy's

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Traditions

Well it’s that time of year again. Easter. Mason's first Easter at that. So it is a bit special for the Peddy's and Lucero's :) We cannot believe how the time has flown by. Mason will be turning 9 months on April 17th and that seems so amazing to me. Christmas seems like yesterday and I am already thinking somewhat of Mason's First Birthday party in July. Oy Vey!

Because I cannot avoid the heartache that I have felt lately, the case of little Sandra Cantu has really affected me emotionally. That poor little girl, ripped from this world in such a horrible manner. There is no excuse. To make matters worse, the woman accused of murdering her was the local Sunday School teacher. I have a hard enough time teaching McKenna the difference between strangers and people such as neighbors who don't seem like strangers, however we don't really know them that much either. To make matters worse and more confusing, now I have Sunday School teachers murdering little girls. I understand this is a very special instance but it made me think how horrible many people are in this world. I am at a loss and I am not sure where to go from here.

But that is why today was a good day. Clayton and his office team went to Glide Memorial in San Francisco to help serve food for those less fortunate than you and I. He had a great experience and we hope to do the same when the kids are old enough. We also chose as a family to dye Easter Eggs and share in the special traditions Easter brings with. The only thing I can do right now is keep these little kiddos close to me and be so grateful they are in our lives, especially during the quite often hard times during the day. :)

So here is a little picture to remember the day! HAPPY EASTER all and be safe and keep your loved ones near. We decided to do our annual Easter egg dying this year. Although last year we completely forgot to until it was too late and the kids were left saddened. So I made a vow to do them and they did all 12 with Daddy. We wanted to share a picture of them with their final works of art.

Friday, April 10, 2009

McKenna has become a Tiny Tiger


So 2 weeks ago, McKenna became what's known as a Tiny Tiger. A class specifically designed for 4 and 5 year olds through The City of Antioch. They are taught safety awareness skills such as recognizing stranger danger, avoiding lure tactics, what to do if lost, immediate fire and earthquake response actions, and dialing 911. They learn they things through role play and age appropriate games. Plus what's even cooler, McKenna gets her own Gi (uniform).
What can we say other than SHE LOVES IT!! The cutest thing I heard from her is when she had to yell out "No Ma'am!" Hearing that from a 5 year olds mouth, I gotta say touched my heart. Now... just to train her to speak to me that way.. :)

Now one of the main reasons for this entry today. The first day of class she was asked, along with her classmates, to commit to memory certain items to repeat back to Instructor May. For instance, her full name, full address with city and state, her phone number with area code and both her parents first names. Luckily, she already knows every piece of this information, down to her area code, thanks to 2 certain wonderful, glorious, spectacular, amazing, intelligent, (hmm... sorry back to the task at hand), her parents. In addition to this information, she is required to learn the Tiny Tigers Creed. What Tiny Tigers believe in and what they strive to accomplish. If they successfully memorize and repeat it back to Instructor May they receive a gold star to place on their Gi's pant leg.


We are Tiny Tigers
Alert and Strong
Learning everyday
Right from wrong

We are Tiny Tigers
We know about strangers
How to be safe
And stay away from danger

We are Tiny Tigers
We have lots of fun
We always do our best
And we're #1

This actually took her 1 week to fully commit to memory. She was able to memorize all but one line of this creed, which for that I couldn't be more proud. She even volunteered by raising her hand this last time in class to stand up in front of everyone and attempt to recite the Creed out loud. She did it all but the one line. You could tell her teacher was so wanting her to know that last line. McKenna even tried a second time to say the creed and missed the same line. So we have been practicing and practicing... and this is what the end result was...

Filmed this morning

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Musical Discoveries

So lately both Clayton and I have really been noticing a musical force emerging more and more in Spencer. Now we always knew that Spencer would be either our Rock n Roll Guitar player or our stunt driver. At least something with a steering wheel. Even if it was him mowing a huge lawn in a John Deere for the rest of his life. THE BOY LOVES TO DRIVE anything he can. We caught him driving his book one time to simulate a steering wheel.

However, lately, we have been noticing him with his guitar, strumming it like a professional. When he thinks we aren't looking, he's holding it like a real guitar (according to Clayton "wrong", I say no not wrong, left handed). Spencer is strumming the correct area of the guitar where the strings would be and then you would catch his other hand up top like he is controlling the notes. (Bare with me as I am not a guitar guru and thus am unaware of the verbage of such activities.) I must say the above mentioned guitar is actually a Wiggles guitar therefore there are no actual guitar strings to strum but amazingly enough he knows they should be there.

He rocks out constantly to Hot Potato from The Wiggles, anything that has music attached to it, whether its News, a TV Show or music on the radio. Spencer will stop what he is doing to rush upstairs and fetch his guitar. The pitter patter of his size 8 feet heard above us and you know he is looking frantically for his most treasured musical instrument. He proceeds to come downstairs and rock out, and even includes the famed side leg up while playing that guitar hard. He loves it!!

He will even show you how to play. He wants me to play with him often. Why just today he gave me his other guitar and told me where to put my fingers and how to mimic a real guitar player. "See mommy, I "cho" you." Classic Spencer.

So where does this take us? We want to put him in music classes but everything is so pricey. We want to encourage it of course. So on Monday we are trying out a music class free of charge, thanks to our wonderful friend, Kim, and we'll see where that takes us.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Daddy and Me Soccer

Daddy and Me Soccer started at Antioch Community Park this past Saturday, April 4th.
Spencer absolutely LOVES it and loves getting play with daddy and kick the ball around and learn this fun sport.

Daddy and Me Soccer goes through June 6th. So stayed tuned to see how much fun they have.

Mason James First Haircut - Lollipops Shop
April 4, 2009



Stephanie's First Ever Blog Adventure

Well here is my first ever blog. A blog? I didn't even know what that meant until Clayton had to explain it to me. Everyone has one of these, its amazing. Well I thought I would start one today. The Peddys have grown so much since Clayton and Stephanie became The Peddys on March 7, 2003. We now have 3 beautiful (and stressful) children. McKenna, 5, Spencer 3, and our sweet baby Mason, 8 months. See look to your left, there they are!

My goal for this blog is to hopefully document some great things in this family. Great things have already happened of course, but the hopes is I can document more and let those who don't see us very often in our little lives and how we are growing and nurturing our family.

If I can remember to update this regularly you can hear about all the great things that are slated to happend to The Peddys.

For instance, McKenna will be starting Kindergarten in August. I can't believe it! I can remember when my water broke with her and its like yesterday, yet it has been 5 years!!

Spencer will be starting Preschool for the first time in August and Mason will be become my only child for 2 days out of the week. WEIRD!

McKenna is starting in a girls soccer team come July through Delta Youth Soccer League which I think she is really looking forward to. Spencer has begun Daddy and Me Soccer and absolutely LOVES IT!!

And well Mason, he is just growing a mile a minute every single day. Everyday is something new. He is standing up and supporting his legs when up against something which is huge for him.

So you see, there is so much to look forward to and I hope upon hope that I can remember to update this thing!!

I am going to sign off for tonight on my first ever blog but until next time everyone, tune in and you can keep up with this chaotic but loving household and get to know us a bit better.

Loves and Hugs