Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Kids Saved the World

Well they did... sort of. The kiddos headed out today with their buds to the Stockton Children Museum. They had a blast! This is such a great museum for little ones. They have a full size fire engine, a real life Stockton Police Car and Motorcycle, an AMR Ambulance, a helicopter and a City Bus. All so the kids, can drive in them like real heroes. What was great was they had the corresponding uniforms for each. So Spencer wore Police uniforms, Dr scrubs for the hospital the AMR ambulance was backed up to, and Firefighter coats, boots and helmets. It was a great! There was a grocery store where the kids could do their essentials shopping and they even had a steak packaging machine where Spencer spent 10 minutes just packing up his steak.

They had face painting, a shoe store where the kids could try on tons of real shoes, water play, a shadow maker, and a TV news room. Now Spencer's favorite, aside from all the awesome cars and trucks he got to ride in was they had a Caterpillar Tractor and a John Deere lawn mower! HE WAS IN HEAVEN.....

So we did that for a couple of hours and the kids came home and I had quite time :)

On another note, McKenna had her Tiny Tigers class again today and she earned her 1st Gold Star for reciting her Tiny Tiger Creed. She even volunteered to recite it first. Very proud. The clip is down below.

On the Potty Training front, Spencer actually went to Tiny Tigers today with underwear on. A feat never attempted before in the history of Spencer Peddy. I was sick of changing 3 year old boy poop and I said no more!! So he had underwear on at quiet time and then through Tiny Tigers. I don't know if it was a fluke but no accidents. He stayed in the underwear until 6pm tonight until he proceeded to run around the house naked and watch Wow Wow Wubzy the same way. But I have to give it to him... no accidents. wheww... so we will try tomorrow again.
Now... I must go and have husband time and catch up on some our DVR shows. Ta Ta until next time and hope everyone has a blessed day. Here is a pic of the kids leaving the Stockton Children Museum...

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