Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Traditions

Well it’s that time of year again. Easter. Mason's first Easter at that. So it is a bit special for the Peddy's and Lucero's :) We cannot believe how the time has flown by. Mason will be turning 9 months on April 17th and that seems so amazing to me. Christmas seems like yesterday and I am already thinking somewhat of Mason's First Birthday party in July. Oy Vey!

Because I cannot avoid the heartache that I have felt lately, the case of little Sandra Cantu has really affected me emotionally. That poor little girl, ripped from this world in such a horrible manner. There is no excuse. To make matters worse, the woman accused of murdering her was the local Sunday School teacher. I have a hard enough time teaching McKenna the difference between strangers and people such as neighbors who don't seem like strangers, however we don't really know them that much either. To make matters worse and more confusing, now I have Sunday School teachers murdering little girls. I understand this is a very special instance but it made me think how horrible many people are in this world. I am at a loss and I am not sure where to go from here.

But that is why today was a good day. Clayton and his office team went to Glide Memorial in San Francisco to help serve food for those less fortunate than you and I. He had a great experience and we hope to do the same when the kids are old enough. We also chose as a family to dye Easter Eggs and share in the special traditions Easter brings with. The only thing I can do right now is keep these little kiddos close to me and be so grateful they are in our lives, especially during the quite often hard times during the day. :)

So here is a little picture to remember the day! HAPPY EASTER all and be safe and keep your loved ones near. We decided to do our annual Easter egg dying this year. Although last year we completely forgot to until it was too late and the kids were left saddened. So I made a vow to do them and they did all 12 with Daddy. We wanted to share a picture of them with their final works of art.

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