Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We're Backkkk....

Yes The Peddys have been off radar for a while but we are back, and hopefully, better!! We last left you with Miss McKenna becoming very sick without the faintest clue why. Well she had Strep Throat, much to the amazement of everyone. But sure enough, she got it. So after 5 days of antibiotics, she is better. yeah! The past few days was just catching up and getting her better so we can continue with our lives.

Over the weekend, Mason got to experience his first water play in the backyard and I think really liked it. He was playing in the water play pool and had fun! Pictures below.

But yesterday was a fun day. The entire family, including Clayton, (in theory he took off yesterday, yet was still working), to go to McKenna's Preschool field trip to Smith Family Farms in Brentwood. None of us had ever been other than Halloween Harvest time. We had been there 3 years ago when I was pregnant with Spencer and then the year before that and then after Spencer was born we started to go to Clayton Valley Pumpkin Farm which is just as great. So it was nice to see the farm during Spring time when the animals are in "full bloom" and babies are everywhere.

It was a tad warm but Mason was decked out in the double jogger, which by the way, was perfect for the semi rough roads we walked on. McKenna was so sweet because although her little friends were there, she kept her little brother with her and made sure he sat by her and didn't get left out of things. Sure enough Spencer had a blast with her. He loved being with big sister...

Lets see... what did we see? Well first we went into the barn and had a fun banjo playing time. The kids were part of a band and got to play with the instruments. Even Clayton got into the groove of the parents playing, even though he looked like he was being absolutely tortured doing it.

Then we headed over and spent some time visiting with baby animals. The kids held and petted a baby rabbit (very cute), and a baby bird of some kind. I missed the name. Both kids actually set them on their lap and petted them which I was happy for. :)

Then we went over to the bee and worm section and the kids got to see a bee hive and actually got to dig for worms, which was the best of all. McKenna found 5 right off the bat which wasn't good since everyone else had trouble finding one. Spencer looked hard but could not find those pesky worms.

Then Spencer's most favorite favorite favorite part of the day he says...... the tractor ride. Of course.. because someone gets to drive the tractor with a steering wheel. So he really enjoyed that ride and it was actually a pretty long ride. The entire length of the drive way and back and around to the general store. About 15 minute ride maybe longer. And we learned about a new type of fruit they were creating, a cross between a plum and an apricot.... a Aprium... gotta try it now because I am curious.

Then we ended the day with plant planting at the general store. Each child got to plant two plants, a bell pepper plant and a tomato plant. Even Clayton and I received a plant which was cool. Now I have to plant all 8 plants.... sigh...

Clayton got to end his day by visiting and seeing McKenna in action at her Tiny Tigers class yesterday which made her day. Oh boy how did she love having daddy watching her. She did really well even. Then we all stopped for $2 Smoothie Tuesdays at Smoothie King and indulged :)

Overall, that day was pretty nice. Clayton got to spend some much needed time with the kids and we got some much needed time with daddy. We couldn't have been more grateful.

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