Friday, April 10, 2009

McKenna has become a Tiny Tiger


So 2 weeks ago, McKenna became what's known as a Tiny Tiger. A class specifically designed for 4 and 5 year olds through The City of Antioch. They are taught safety awareness skills such as recognizing stranger danger, avoiding lure tactics, what to do if lost, immediate fire and earthquake response actions, and dialing 911. They learn they things through role play and age appropriate games. Plus what's even cooler, McKenna gets her own Gi (uniform).
What can we say other than SHE LOVES IT!! The cutest thing I heard from her is when she had to yell out "No Ma'am!" Hearing that from a 5 year olds mouth, I gotta say touched my heart. Now... just to train her to speak to me that way.. :)

Now one of the main reasons for this entry today. The first day of class she was asked, along with her classmates, to commit to memory certain items to repeat back to Instructor May. For instance, her full name, full address with city and state, her phone number with area code and both her parents first names. Luckily, she already knows every piece of this information, down to her area code, thanks to 2 certain wonderful, glorious, spectacular, amazing, intelligent, (hmm... sorry back to the task at hand), her parents. In addition to this information, she is required to learn the Tiny Tigers Creed. What Tiny Tigers believe in and what they strive to accomplish. If they successfully memorize and repeat it back to Instructor May they receive a gold star to place on their Gi's pant leg.


We are Tiny Tigers
Alert and Strong
Learning everyday
Right from wrong

We are Tiny Tigers
We know about strangers
How to be safe
And stay away from danger

We are Tiny Tigers
We have lots of fun
We always do our best
And we're #1

This actually took her 1 week to fully commit to memory. She was able to memorize all but one line of this creed, which for that I couldn't be more proud. She even volunteered by raising her hand this last time in class to stand up in front of everyone and attempt to recite the Creed out loud. She did it all but the one line. You could tell her teacher was so wanting her to know that last line. McKenna even tried a second time to say the creed and missed the same line. So we have been practicing and practicing... and this is what the end result was...

Filmed this morning

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